KoBev’s Vegan Pies Woo the Pickiest New York Pizza Lovers

Vegan pizza has come a long way; even omnivores can enjoy the plant-based pie options that are widely available these days.

New Yorkers, however, tend to be pickier about their pizza than any other demographic. Despite the deliciousness of vegan alternatives, many borough-dwellers can spot the difference between a non-dairy option and the traditional alternative.

KoBev’s New York-style vegan pizza is something new, however — a vegan pie designed to be indistinguishable from NYC’s iconic fare — and to impress even the harshest critics.

“As New Yorkers, the toughest aspect of adopting a plant based diet is giving up on pizza,” Kobi Regev, co-founder of KoBev’s Vegan Pizza tells Latest Vegan News. “So we decided to create a product that will survive the scrutiny of the proudest and most cynical of us, and that’s how KoBev’s was born.”

Kobi and Abev Regev’s journey started in 2014, when Abev did a 22-day vegan challenge. Kobi was skeptical at first, even teasing his wife about her decision. After hearing a lecture by Gary Yourofsky, however — and facing some health problems — he decided to join her.

While they found cooking at home easy, their friends and family posed an important question: what about pizza?

“Before the vegan challenge, I was one of those New Yorkers that would tell you where to get your pizza at different times of the day, and regularly rated pizza shops for my own amusement,” Kobi says. “A New Yorker without pizza is like a farmer without a farm, and I, like many vegans before me, would occasionally cheat on my life choice for pizza.”

That was when Abev decided they would start making their own pizza at home. They started with store-bought cheeses, but quickly moved into developing their own recipes. Initially they used cashews as a base, but eventually opted for white beans to avoid the nut-allergy issue. Now their pizzas are packed with protein.

From there, the couple started getting the word out. “Abev would post our creations on Instagram @KOBEVegan_pizza and really quickly we got requests for our pizza, and to open various locations all over the world,” says Kobi.

They were a big hit at Miami’s Seed Food and Wine Festival in November, and are currently looking for investors in order to open a vegan pizza shop in NYC.

“As New Yorkers, Abev and I have this dream of getting a vegan slice anytime, day or night in every neighborhood. We may not be the first or only vegan pizzeria, but we want to be the ones that help make this concept mainstream.”

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Hannah Sentenac

Hannah Sentenac

A wizard of words, lover of all living things and vegan mac 'n cheese master, Hannah is the vegan girl behind bharmless.com. Her writing has appeared in Live Happy magazine, the Miami New Times, OneGreenPlanet.com, MindBodyGreen.com, FoodRevolution.org and numerous other publications and websites. She's obsessed with vegan pizza and crop tops, the holidays, and all things Los Angeles. You can reach Hannah directly at hannah@bharmless.com.

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3 Responses

  1. Avatar Jayden Lee says:

    Sweet! Do they have a Kickstarter or GoFundMe going?

  2. Avatar susan sentenac says:

    Haha- even DEDICATED vegans sometimes cheat on their pizza….lol Sounds great- wish it would get here.

  1. October 6, 2017

    […] KoBev's New York-style vegan pizza is something new, however — a vegan pie designed to be indistinguishable from NYC's iconic fare — and to … … (continue) […]

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